Senior Spotlight: Mr. Huan Truong. Huan came to CCA in 10th grade from Vietnam, representing one of many countries in our international program. His peers nominated him "Most likely to become president." While Huan doesn't plan to pursue a political title, instead he hopes to be Dr. Huan Truong, Pharm.D.
#CCAEagles 🦅 #CCASeniorSpotlights #GraduationCountdown 🎓

With less than 9 weeks of school left, we're launching Senior Spotlights! Starting off with Mr. David Wu. David has attended CCA since 9th grade, and was nominated the class comedian by his peers. He plans to major in computer science to pursue a computer programming career.
#CCAEagles 🦅
#GraduationCountdown 🎓

YEARBOOK countdown is on! Only 20 books left. Get yours before they're sold out!
link in bio to order today!

What class is going to have the most students registered? Who is going to get the recess kit?

Just 2 more days!! Make sure you are registered, you don't want to miss out on this one!
#CressetEagles #FinalCountdown #BoosterThon2022

Only 3 M O R E days!
#finalcountdown #BoosterThon2022 #CressetEagles

4 days to go!
#BoosterThon2022 #CressetEagles

5 days until Boosterthon K I C K O F F !

I'd say "Anything but a backpack" day was a huge success! #GoEagles!!

H O M E C O M I N G is happening!
6:30 PM Homecoming court ceremony
6:45 PM Varsity Boys Basketball vs. Cristo Rey
8:30-1 1 PM Dance

Picture Day is coming! Mark your calendars for February 22 to wear that whitest smile :D

L A S T D A Y to seal the deal! Order your yearbook today 📚📸
#ccayearbook #ccaeagles #yearbook2022 #deadlines #flashbackfriday

O N L Y 2 M O R E D A Y S
to get those yearbook orders in
#ccayearbook #ccaeagles #yearbook2022 #throwbackthursday

Countdown continues: 3 more days to preorder your book!
#CCAyearbook #CCAeagles #CCA2022 #yearbook2022

4 more days to preorder your book! We sold out last year... don't be left out!
#CCAyearbook #CCAeagles #CCA2022 #yearbook2022

Only 5 more days left to preorder your yearbook! Don't miss out on signing day in May!

S P I R I T W E E K: Change of plans! CCA Spirit Day is tomorrow! Can't wait to see the sea of green & gold! #pivot #spiritweek2022 #ccaeagles #greenandgold #goeagles #schoolspirit

Keep the S P I R IT alive! Tomorrow is Workout Wednesday! Go ALL OUT for your favorite sports team.

S P I R I T W E E K 2022 continues! Tomorrow is Tired Tuesday! Wear your favorite (dress code appropriate) PJ's. Student with the most spirit will win a prize!

Tomorrow kicks off 2022 S P I R I T W E E K!
Dress up in your favorite holiday's attire including 4th of July, St. Patrick's Day, Valentine's Day, Easter. Student with the MOST SPIRIT each day will win a prize voted by their classmates!