Cresset will operate on a two-hour delay Monday morning (1/6) due to inclement weather.

Wear your favorite team jersey in celebration of our two home semi-final Conference games. Soccer starts at 4pm and Volleyball at 5:15 on Thursday, Oct 10.

Join us on August 8th at 5:30pm for Back to School Night!

Thank you to all those who participated in the Gala of Giving whether as a sponsor, a donor, or participant in the live and silent auctions! We exceeded our goal thanks to your generosity!

Way to go, Cresset Middle School Girls Basketball! We're cheering you on today as you play in the Championship Game today at 4pm!

Join us at Cresset's Christmas Concert on Tuesday, Dec. 12 at 6pm!

Join us for Back-to-School Night on Thursday, August 10th! Meet teachers, visit classrooms and join us for a hot dog dinner provided by LifeSpring Church. Hope to see you there!

Learn some interesting facts about our school mascot.
Eagles are excellent swimmers and have been known to swim to shore with a fish in their talons that was too heavy for them to fly with.

We offer private tours. Call our Admissions department to set up a time to visit. We look forward to meeting you!
Website: https://www.cressetchristian.org

Our mission requires that we cultivate the HEART of each student – to educate, nurture, and help shape their character by grounding our practices in the Truth of God’s Word in order to provide a Christ-centered environment.

The CCS staff celebrated Ms. Tippett today for her service. It was a great time of fellowship, signing thank you cards, eating cupcakes and chips, and sharing words of appreciation. Thank you Ms. Tippett for loving the CCA staff and students.

Lady Eagles lost a heart-breaker last night 63-58 against Cape Fear Christain Academy. Proud of the Lady Eagles who were outsized but fought till the end with chances to win. Loved their never give up mentality! Go Eagles!

Beautiful sunrise over Cresset Christian Academy today! "This is a day the Lord has made; rejoice, and be glad in it" (Psalm 118:24). Have a blessed day!

Our Middle School Basketball Team was soaring today with a win 49-18 against Lee Christian School-Sanford. Proud of our Eagles. Enjoyed my first Eagles basketball game. It was epic!

Spirit Week is almost here. Join the fun times by dressing for the day's theme and then enjoy an evening of basketball and the Homecoming Court on Friday.

The Cresset Staff & Faculty would like to wish you a Merry Christmas! As you celebrate the day, we express our gratitude that there is reason for good news - we are able to celebrate the birth of humanity's savior, Jesus Christ (Luke 2:11).

From the Cresset Family to yours, Merry Christmas!

TODAY IS GREEN AND GOLD DAY!! Wear green and gold to support Cresset Athletics Teams as they take the fields and courts at home. Student may wear gym shorts, t-shirts, and sweats that are green or gold. All Cresset wear is welcome. SEE YOU AT THE GAMES!!!

GREEN AND GOLD DAY ON FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16TH. Support our athletics teams by wearing Cresset colors and Cresset items. Students may wear anything that is green, gold, or has Cresset emblems on it. Yes, that includes t-shirts, sweat pants, and gym shorts as long as they are green or gold. Modesty in dress is expected. SEE YOU AT THE GAMES!!!

The Scholastic Book Fair has been a big success to date. Students of all ages have explored new books and gone home with their requests. On Thursday, we continue the Fair with Pastries and Pages - an opportunity for family and friends to join in the fun. We will see you on Thursday, September 15th beginning at 7:30 AM.