Cresset Christian Academy celebrates and honors all who contribute to the development and achievements of the United States. Happy Labor Day!!!
over 2 years ago, Steven Wall
Labor Day
Remember we are closed for the Labor Day Holiday. We will see you on Tuesday Morning! Enjoy the long weekend!
over 2 years ago, Steven Wall
Happy Labor Day!
There were hundreds of pictures taken of our time together at Camp Eagle. All of them tell a story. When I saw this one, it brought to mind Revelation 7:9:  "...from every nation and tribe and people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb..."
over 2 years ago, Steven Wall
Wrapping Up_Retreat_Aug 2022
August 17th Back to School
over 2 years ago, Cresset Christian
Back to School
Attn, Cresset High Schoolers, reminder HS Leadership Retreat deadline Aug 1st. Email Mr. Rice to asap let him know you will be attending. Dates Aug 18-21.
over 2 years ago, Cresset Christian
Kids are having a blast the first week of Camp Cresset - Summer 2022
over 2 years ago, Steven Wall
Summer Camp - Week One
Senior Spotlight: Yuchan Cho has been a CCA Eagle since 10th grade from South Korea! Yuchan hopes to pursue a medical degree to become a heart surgeon. We know Yuchan will excel at anything he puts his mind, and heart towards! #CCAEagles 🦅 #CCASeniorSpotlights #GraduationCountdown 🎓
almost 3 years ago, Cresset Christian
Yuchan Senior Spotlight
Senior Spotlight: Aushja Cotten has been an Eagle since first grade! She plans to attend UNC-Charlotte in the fall. As her major is undecided, we know she will do good work whatever the Lord calls her to do! #CCAEagles 🦅 #CCASeniorSpotlights #GraduationCountdown 🎓
almost 3 years ago, Cresset Christian
aushja spotlight
Senior Spotlight: Julia Greenlaw aka "Jules" joined as an Eagle this year! She hopes to continue to pursue her modeling career, with a back up plan in place! #CCAEagles 🦅 #CCASeniorSpotlights #GraduationCountdown 🎓
almost 3 years ago, Cresset Christian
Julia spotlight
Senior Spotlight: Brianna Jervis has been a CCA Eagle since 10th grade. She plans to attend community college with hopes to transfer to study animal science. #CCAEagles 🦅 #CCASeniorSpotlights #GraduationCountdown 🎓
almost 3 years ago, Cresset Christian
jervis- spotlight
Only 13 yearbooks left! Don't miss out on savoring this year's memories for years to come. Order yours now!
almost 3 years ago, Cresset Christian
13 yearbooks remain
Senior Spotlight: Mr. William Li. Will came to CCA in 10th grade from China, representing one of many countries in our international program. His peers nominated him "Most likely to be successful." He plans to pursue a hospitality degree. #CCAEagles 🦅 #CCASeniorSpotlights #GraduationCountdown 🎓
almost 3 years ago, Cresset Christian
Senior Spotlight: Mr. Steve Lu came to CCA in 7th grade from China, representing one of many countries in our international program. Steve was nominated "Most Athletic" by his peers. #CCAEagles 🦅 #CCASeniorSpotlights #GraduationCountdown 🎓
almost 3 years ago, Cresset Christian
Senior Spotlight: Mr. Noah Lingat. Noah came to CCA in 3rd grade. His favorite CCA memory is the 8th grade trip to the NC coast. His peers nominated him "most likely to get married first." Noah plans to attend a 4-year university with plans to pursue a business degree. #CCAEagles 🦅 #CCASeniorSpotlights #GraduationCountdown 🎓
almost 3 years ago, Cresset Christian
The Resurrection of Christ on the third day assures every Christian of their resurrection.. The bodily resurrection of Christ assures us that there is a Gospel to proclaim.
almost 3 years ago, Steven Wall
Senior Spotlight: Mr. Reagan Moody. Reagan came to CCA in 10th grade. He plans to attend community college and aviation school with hopes to become a private pilot. #CCAEagles 🦅 #CCASeniorSpotlights #GraduationCountdown 🎓
almost 3 years ago, Cresset Christian
Senior Spotlight: Jack has been an Eagle since preschool! He has been nominated by his peers as "most likely to become a lawyer." He plans to become a gun smith. #CCAEagles 🦅 #CCASeniorSpotlights #GraduationCountdown 🎓
almost 3 years ago, Cresset Christian
Only 15 yearbooks left! ⏰ Order yours today to guarantee you get one. Don't be left out on signing day! 📚 #FinalCountdown
almost 3 years ago, Cresset Christian
only 15 books left
Senior Spotlight: Chandler Smith Chandler has been an Eagle since Kindergarten. He plans to attend NC State to pursue a biology degree. #CCAEagles 🦅 #CCASeniorSpotlights #GraduationCountdown 🎓
almost 3 years ago, Cresset Christian
Senior Spotlight: David Tofade David has been an Eagle since Kindergarten & has been voted "Most Athletic" by his peers. He hopes to pursue a business or sports management degree after graduation. #CCAEagles 🦅 #CCASeniorSpotlights #GraduationCountdown 🎓
almost 3 years ago, Cresset Christian