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Rebecca Mayhue
PK Ones Instructor
Amber Miller
Upper School English Instructor
High School
Mimi Miller
Kindergarten Instructor
Lower School
Roy Olsen
Upper School Math and Humanities
Middle School
Kirstin Peace
PK Twos Instructor
Christina Rathinam
Upper School Science
Middle School
Tucker Reyner
High School Bible
High School
Eric Rice
All School Fine Arts Instructor / Enrichment
Taylor Rigby
First Grade Instructor
Lower School
Mackenzie Smith
All School Music Instructor
Kimi Smith
Upper School Principal and Science Instructor
High School
Crystal Sparrow
After School and Librarian
Randa Stallard
PK Infants
Randy Taylor
Head of School
Vanessa Taylor
Preschool Assistant Director
Vickie Turner
Third Grade Instructor
Lower School
Judith Vuelta
Fourth Grade Instructor
Lower School
Michael Winders
Fifth Grade Instructor
Lower School
Brian Worley
Finance Director and Facilities