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Lyn Adams
Director of Basketball Operations
Marlene Barbee
PK Instructor
Matthew Bollinger
Ninth Grade Humanities
Steve Bollinger
High School History
Lauren Bowen
Second Grade
Lower School
Katie Cameron
Admissions Director
Youngkwon Cho
High School Math and Science
Bettina Eckel
Administrative Assistant
Mary Beth Green
Lower School Principal, Middle School English
Lower School
Kenan Greenwood
Athletic Director/PE Instructor
Mitzy Gumeta Hernandez
PK Wobblers Instructor
Sheila Hill
Preschool Director, MS Bible and Humanities
Cathy Hudson
Food Services
Tenika Jones
PK Wobblers Instructor
Sherry King-Purdie
PK Threes Instructor
Ana Martinez
All School Spanish
Sheila Matthews
PK Ones Instructor
Rebecca Mayhue
PK Ones Instructor
Amber Miller
Upper School English Instructor
Roy Olsen
Upper School Math